Nutrition cooking classes for kids intern (Long Island)

By Linzy Ziegelbaum

volunteer, -In person /Available as a DI Preceptor: Yes Posted 2 years ago

Cooking the Alphabet with LNZ Nutrition is looking for a student to help with children's cooking classes on Long Island. A great opportunity to learn about pediatric nutrition! This student will have a chance to help with class development and with teaching children nutrition at young ages. LNZ Nutrition is a private practice and Long Island, and there will also be an opportunity for this student to learn about entrepeneurship and private practice. 

Job Expectation : Student will complete projects on time and will be eager to learn!

Posted By: Linzy Ziegelbaum

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Linzy Ziegelbaum
Area(s) of Specialty: Nutrition Education/Teaching, Pediatric Nutrition, Sports Nutrition,
Area(s) of practice: Blogger, Entrepreneurship, Private Practice,
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